Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory

Port Orleans Resort - French Quarter

Check out it's webpage here!

Overall Rating: 4/4 Mickeys

The name is kind of long, so I just call it Sassagoula's. But whatever you call this quick service dining hall, everyone can agree that this New Orleans-style Mardi Gras-themed restaurant is enjoyable for all because of its large selection, great chefs, and cheap price. And if you go, make sure to try the beignets. If you don't, well, you're missing out on the treat of a lifetime.

Entry #1, 8/1/18

Chef Keith

Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory is the perfect quick service restaurant for a quick and easy meal, especially if you have food allergies. And this breakfast was just that! We asked a server to bring out the chef, and it was no trouble at all. The chef that helped me was Chef Keith. I had a great experience eating beignets at Sassagoula's this year, so that's what I decided to order this time. Chef Keith explained to us that their allergy beignets are made in a dedicated fryer with Bob's Red Mill Pizza Crust Mix, which has no beans and is very safe. It did not take long to make and it was very delicious. The service was amazing, the food was safe and cooked separately, and it was delicious, so this meal deserves 4 out of 4 mickeys.

It's important to be able to communicate with and trust all your chefs, and Chef Keith is a perfect example.

Chef Keith and I

Just another picture of yours truly, waiting for my beignets

A glimpse of six slices of heaven (commonly known as beignets)

Entry #2, 8/4/18

Chef Eric

It's too delicious to pass up. Even after eating at Sassagoula's just three days ago, my family and I decided to head back there to take in the New Orleans styled atmosphere as well as eat up the delicious food This time; however, Chef Eric was on duty and taking care of the allergy orders. Chef Eric is actually Sassagoula's head chef right now, so I was excited to have him as my caterer for the morning. Like last tie, I ordered the allergy beignets, which are still made in a dedicated fryer with Bob's Red Mill Pizza Crust Mix. I also ate delicious bacon from the back of their pantry. Additionally, I ate some pancakes that are made with the Namaste Pancake and Waffle mix in a dedicated skillet with some natural maple syrup on the side. I was also interested in trying their waffles, but Chef Eric replied with some disappointing news. Usually, they use the Namaste mix to make their allergy waffles on a dedicated waffle maker, but today it was broken. He also told me something interesting. Apparently, the company that makes the waffle grills that they use in their restaurant actually makes an allergy mix as well. However, this mix is not safe for everyone, because it is only gluten-free. It also contains soy flour. It is likely that Disney serves waffles made with these mixes on a safe waffle maker (or at least Sassagoula's) to anyone who just has gluten allergies because they are probably cheaper than the Namaste. However, if you have any other restrictions, then they use their special Namaste mix. For me, my only top eight allergy that I DON'T have is gluten, so I wouldn't have had a choice. But, as I said before, the safe skillet was broken. The meal that I had was still delicious - the bacon and pancakes were yummy and beignets are definitely one of my favorite treats right now - but what I learned about their waffle mixes was really the thing that stood out to me during this breakfast.

It's the most wonderful time of the year when you got beignets, pancakes, and bacon for breakfast

Can you take the picture, already? I'm starving!

Entry #3, 8/8/18

Chef Eric

Back at it again! My family returned to Sassagoula's today for episode 3, and it was not a disappointment. Today, our chef was Chef Eric, who is actually the head chef of the restaurant. I was glad to be with him today so I could see the chef in charge of one of my favorite restaurants. I was disappointed again this morning because their dedicated allergy Mickey waffle iron was broken. Their pancakes that I tried last time didn't taste very good, so I decided to just order the beignets this time around, which are still made with Bob's Red Mill Pizza Crust Mix in a dedicated fryer in soybean oil. I also ordered bacon as a side. After about eight minutes, the beignets and bacon came, and as expected, they were delicious. There's no doubt that I'll be back soon.

Beignets & bacon. An instant classic.

Entry #4, 8/11/18

Chef Nicky

Hmmm. We don't have a reservation anywhere. What are we supposed to do for breakfast? I know! Sassagoula's! My family didn't hesitate to make another return today to the beignet joint today, so I got not much new for you. Today, Chef Nicky helped me out, who was nice and did everything well and on-time. Like always, we ordered two orders of six allergy-free beignets to split between me, my brother, and my mom, and I got a side of fresh bacon from the back. Not much to report. I hope by now you have a plan of going to Sassagoula's at least once...

What is there to say? Oh, I know. Delicious!