I am very happy to participate in the international online blog research, although the production process is really hard.

First of all, we need to sort out the information about Xihu Sugar Factory, which is a lot; then we also need to interview Director Huang and compile the interview transcript; and later, we will add the visitors’ thoughts on Xihu Sugar Factory. For me, it’s very difficult to ask questions to strangers.

After coming back, I still have to sort out all the articles, write them according to the theme, and translate the materials into English.

Although the process is very hard, I feel very happy when I think that I can let everyone know Xihu Sugar Factory.

Participating in the Internet Expo was very hard. It took many Wednesday afternoons and winter vacations. We had to discuss, visit, type, etc. with team members and teachers. However, through this activity, I gained a lot of rare experience and skills. Under the guidance of the teacher, I learned to design interview questions and also learned to muster the courage to ask questions to unfamiliar interviewees. Among them, I think the most challenging thing is to organize and summarize the conversations between the director and tourists, and to present them on a web page, which is really difficult.

Xihu Sugar Factory is a good neighbor of Hunan Elementary School. During the visit, we not only tasted delicious ice cream, but also learned about the efforts and difficulties encountered by Xihu Sugar Factory in cultural preservation. I think Xihu Sugar Factory is still full of many secret treasures, and I will continue to work hard to explore them.

Participating in the International Online Expo this time allowed me to learn more about the history of Xihu Sugar Factory. Not only do you learn a lot of things you didn’t know before, but you can also broaden your knowledge. Although we were very nervous during the interview, Director Huang was very kind and kind, and even treated us to ice cream. It gives me new knowledge and I can eat ice cream. I’m so happy! This research allowed me to better understand the history of the Xihu Sugar Factory and the relationship between our school and the sugar factory. It was very worthwhile!

Participating in this international online blog allowed me to learn a lot of things, including collecting information, discussing with each other, and interviewing others, which were all new experiences. During the data collection process, I learned how to change from the sugar production period to tourism; during the interviews, I was also able to understand other people’s opinions. The director said: "The sugar factory has a history of many years, and there used to be a lot of sugar cane." The tourist said: "I hope some of the equipment in the sugar factory can be enriched." These are rare experiences.

I found it very interesting to participate in this international online blog research, and it was also a challenge that I had never encountered before. During the research process, I not only learned about the historical development of the sugar factory, but also how it has been transformed into a tourist attraction in recent years. In addition, during an interview, we visited the director of Xihu Sugar Factory. Through interviews and actual visits to the park, I deepened my understanding of the historical status of Xihu Sugar Factory and the development context of industrial transformation.

Thanks to the teacher for giving me the opportunity to participate in the research on the sugar factory with everyone and complete the report on the sugar factory. These reports also allowed me to understand the history of many sugar factories. The most impressive thing was that one day, the teacher took us to a sugar factory to interview tourists. The tourist also shared her views and finally ate ice from the sugar factory. It was a very happy day. I have given several reports and gained a lot of experience. I hope to have the opportunity to participate in other investigations and cooperate with other students in the future.