Project Title: Major Events Of The Civil War
Fifth grade students in Mr. Peter Bizier's and Mr. Travis LaPointe's classes read articles, research events, and collaborate as they summarize what they have learned about the American Civil War. The students create an historical "voyage" of the major events and battles in Google Maps, combining social studies, language arts, and technology skills. Students read the book, Fields of Fury, by James McPherson, chose topics, and did follow up research, addressing the "Who, What, When, Where, and Why" of each event. Students did research on the WEB, used graphic organizers, and constructed written paragraphs with topic sentences, transitions, and closing statements. They used Google Image Search to find appropriate images and cited their sources. The students posted their final project in Google Maps and received three grades: research (language arts/social studies), written paragraphs (language arts), finished product in Google Maps (social studies).
We are part of the global project entitled, "Google Historical Voyages and Events," which is a site dedicated to showcasing teacher and student projects related to history. Schools are posting projects they create as students study historical events. Some of the projects are teaching lessons; others are summary projects done by the students. All the projects use at least one Google tool. We are pleased to be part of "Google Historical Voyages and Events."
Project Includes:
Learning Standards Including (download):
• National Council For The Social Studies
• Connecticut Social Studies FrameworkStudent directions (listed below) as downloadable pdf files (in Google Docs)
Assessment Research Rubric
5. Assessment Final Paragraph Rubric
6. Assessment Final Project - Google Map Rubric
7. Template - Students Cite Sources
All documents can be viewed online and downloaded from Google Docs
Click the maps below to see the finished projects, by class
Documents We Used In The Project - You Can Download Them
Mapping the Civil War - Student Directions
Students study the American Civil War - its causes, events, battles, slavery, effect on the people, etc. They use primary sources, class discussion, research on the WEB, and the book, Fields of Fury, as they study the unit. As a culminating activity, students are required to do more "in depth" research on an historical event or battle.
Final Project Task:
Students create a Google Map and/or Google Earth kmz that demonstrates their understanding of their assigned topics - an event or battle of the Civil War. As a class, students collaboratively include their information in a Google Map or Google Earth project. Students include information, pictures, and text in placemarkers, that explains and charts significant events in the war. Students draw their own conclusions about the research they complete on their topics.
Part 1 - Research
1. Read your article from the book Fields of Fury by James McPherson.
2. Search NetTrekker for useful information on your topic.
3. Record the sources you used to collect information.
4. Take notes on the graphic organizer.
5. Search for an appropriate picture using the picture databases listed in Blackboard, in Google Historical Journey.
6. Use to cite and post your sources.
Part 2 - Drafting and Writing
1. Use your notes to write a well organized paragraph.
2. As you write, check off the notes you use in your written paragraph.
3. Be sure you have:
a. a topic sentence
b. transition words
c. clear sentences
d. a closing/clincher statement
Part 3 - Revising and Editing (This is an important step. Your work will be published for the World to view!)
1. Re-read your work and correct errors.
2. On the computer, open the document where you saved your "works cited" and "picture."
3. Type your paragraph in the section marked, "Type your paragraph here."
4. Print your work. Have another student re-read and edit your draft. Have the student sign the form.
5. On the computer, revise your writing and hand it in to your teacher.
Part 4 - Posting Your Work to Google Maps
You will receive these instructions separately from your teacher. Check Google Classroom for this assignment.
Additional Resources:
The Civil War in American Memory - National Park Service Site
The Forgotten Warriors of the Civil War for high school- National Park Service Lesson Plans
War Has Been Declared (middle school) - National Park Service Lesson Plans
War Has Been Declared (elementary school) - National Park Service Lesson Plans
Civil War Curriculum Lesson Plans for Middle School - American Battlefield Trust
Civil War battles, famous battles of the Civil War, history lessons Civil War