Linkhorne Middle School

Lynchburg, Virginia

Google Earth Time Travel Trips

7th Graders in Lynchburg City Schools conduct historical research, analyze their findings, and summarize information. Using Google Earth, they create visual representations of historical events and deliver oral presentations, demonstrating what they have learned. Their projects can be found on two pages within this site:

1) Famous Explorers and Voyages - Page 1

2) Historical Events - Page 2

Voyage Of Leif Ericson

Voyage Of Christopher Columbus

Journey Of Hernando Cortez

Explorers & Voyages - Page 1

LMS Time Travel

Note: You can view these projects in two different ways. Choose the one that is best for you:

  1. Either, click on the provided link (in the first section below) and view the project in "Google Earth WEB." You do not have to install an application. When you click on the link, it will launch Google Earth in your browser. This version will launch Google Earth WEB and play in most web browsers. For best results, use Google Chrome.

  2. Or, download the KMZ file (in the second section below) directly to your device and open in "Google Earth Pro." Google Earth Pro is an application installed on a computer.

Web Browser Version

# 1 Google Earth WEB Version (plays in a browser); click title and Google Earth
will launch in your browser. Notice the paths the students drew on the globe.

NEW Google Earth WEB

The last nine of the voyages in this section are not converted as yet. We are still converting the KMZ's to newer versions of Google Earth WEB for this section

KMZ Files For Google Earth Pro

# 2 Google Earth PRO version (Click to download the kmz file; then import the kmz file to Google Earth Pro. This can usually be done by clicking on the KMZ file. It should launch Google Earth Pro, if it is installed on your computer/device)

Please note. The versions below were created in Google Earth Pro, not the newer version of Google Earth WEB. If you'd like to view these projects in your browser, use the links in the section above this section. Or, you can "import" the files below into Google Earth WEB. See note on the right.

You will see this download preview button. Click to download the KMZ file to your computer. Then, open in Google Earth Pro.


The PRO version will also open in Google Earth WEB, but you must "import" the file into Google Earth WEB. Because it's a KMZ file, the "Table Of Contents" does not work, and you must click on each placemarker to view.

If you want to view in your browser, use the WEB Browser section above.

Visit our " Historical Events Projects," which are listed under a separate page on this site.