How To Get Started &
Some Thoughts/Tips
Some Thoughts/Tips
As students publish their work/projects for others, they put their emphasis on becoming knowledge explorers. It allows them to be in control of their learning through hands-on exploration and inquiry. They begin to ask themselves pertinent questions about the topics they are studying. The emphasis is not on memorizing and repeating concepts.
When students see that others view their work on the WEB, it encourages them to submit better projects. They see their work as being valued and appreciated, and they are proud to showcase the work they have done.
How To Get Started:
Consider the following in your planning.
Decide on the learning standards to be addressed
Formulate the essential question/s
Establish what students will know
Determine what students will be able to do
Assign topics to students
Determine what the requirements are
Develop activities for the project
Decide the type/s of multimedia students will use
Teach students how to cite sources - images, videos, text, etc.
Determine what will be used for assessment
Determine how students share with you as you collate all the projects
Some Thoughts and Tips:
Other things to take into consideration:
Teacher does the publishing – is the gatekeeper
This protects the students
Students share projects with the teacher
Teacher gathers/collates the projects and publishes them on a class website or blog
Or, submits them to other sites that publish student projects
Permission to publish the students should be secured by each teacher
Links to YouTube videos can be managed by the teacher – link to videos via the teacher’s account
Teachers can include videos on the published websites:
teacher-made videos, teaching lessons
student-made videos, demonstrating what they’ve learned