Robert F. Scott

by Luke

Robert F. Scott

Robert F. Scott was a courageous explorer who explored the South Pole (Antarctic). In the so called “Race to the South Pole”, Scott came in second behind Roald Amundsen. His was a dangerous exploration. His journey was the most scientific and tragic.

Scott was born in England. He left home when he was thirteen and went and joined the Navy. He worked with torpedoes and as an engineer on many ships. However engineers never got the approval they deserved so he left.

Sir Clements Murkham asked Scott to command an expedition to the South Pole.

It was on thi strip aboard the Discovery, that Scott met Ernest Shakletoin, another famous explorer. Also on this trip, one of the photographer discovered an Emperoe Penguin. After this trip Scott went back home to raise more money fo further expeditions.

In 1902, Scott had an urge to get back to the South Pole. They used the ship the Terra Nova. Sadly, Scott and his crew died while trying to return to their camp base which was only a day’s walk away. With him they found the tent, his journal, and his crew. Although he has died, we will never forget him. Robert F. Scott has played an important part in history.


Letter to Robert

March, 1902

Dear People of England ,

Thank you for giving me money for my trip. We have gotten stuck in a blizzard. Captain Lawrence has gone out of the tent. He has been stricken with frostbite. He said that he was going out side and it might be awhile before he returns. It seems a pity but I do not think I can write more. We are all so very cold . I hope we reach our destination soon.


Robert Scott

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