Victoria Sandwich

Ferrers Fellows Bake Off Recipe


  • 3 medium eggs weighed in their shells (probably 6oz/170g)

  • the weight of the eggs in Butter /Soft Margarine

  • the weight of the eggs in Caster Sugar

  • the weight of the eggs in Self-raising Flour

  • Raspberry Jam to fill

Oven temperature: Gas mark 4, 350 F, 180 C, Fan 160

You will need: two greased 20cm sandwich cake tins


  1. Preheat oven

  2. Cream butter/margarine and sugar.

  3. Beat the eggs then gradually add to the mixture beating well each time.

  4. Sieve the flour and fold into the mixture with a metal spoon.

  5. Divide equally between the 2 tins and bake 25mins in the middle of the oven.

  6. They are ready when they are golden, shrunk from the sides of the tin and spring back when touched.

  7. Remove from the tins and fill with raspberry jam when cold to avoid jam bleeding into the cake.

  8. A light dusting of caster sugar on the top will finish it.