Why Music?

What music education does for you?

All students study mathematics; how many will become mathematicians? All students study literature; how many will become professional authors or playwrights? Each day adults are faced with problems, situations, and experiences of all kinds. How individuals problem solve is a reflection of their education which includes how well an adult understands and evaluates music, art and drama. Appreciation of the Fine Arts is not a natural talent. It must be developed the same way as any other talent or skill. 

Music teaches humans to appreciate the beauty, or aesthetics found in life. Aesthetic education can be defined as instruction that has as its goal, the shaping of sensitivity to, and the perception of, beauty and expressiveness in art, music, drama, dance, architecture, nature or life in general. Aesthetic education develops sensitivity through the study of elements of music such as rhythm, timbre, blend, melody and harmony and methods composers have developed to combine these elements in order that they become enlightened, discriminating consumers of music. 

Music offers the opportunity to explore and view life through the world of sound. Everybody is capable of developing some kind of relationship with music, be it creator, performer, or listener. As this relationship is developed, so is the person’s ability to experience and enjoy aspects of life that many people fail to realize. By participating in a performing ensemble, a person gets the opportunity to develop musical skills simultaneously with the development of musical perception. Lastly, the performance of music can cultivate the self-discipline required of a productive group member or leader, as well as self-confidence and a sense of pride, accomplishment, and identity. The greatest gift one person can give to another is to share his/her culture. To share artistic creations is to share our deepest values and dreams.