Voice Teacher Information
Voice Lessons are given weekly from early September through mid-May. Lesson are 25 minutes in length and are taken during choir class, half of the lunch period, study halls, and before or after school.
If your child wishes to study with a private voice instructor at Hinsdale Central, sign ups will be digital but voice instructors will provide information in person when the school year begins.
Voice teachers at Central communicate and collaborate with the choir program. We work to align the techniques taught in lessons and the classroom to provide a solid foundation for healthy, sustainable singing regardless of the style of music being sung. Students are supported for solo vocal repertoire, solo auditions, musical auditions, and are given a firm foundation in classical vocal technique.
For detailed information, please contact your child's voice teacher. To set up lessons with voice teachers here at Central, please email them at the addresses below.
Voice Teachers at Hinsdale Central
Olga Bojovic bojolga@gmail.com
Brad Jungwirth bdjungwirth@yahoo.com