

Always seek to solve your own issue first. If you still need help, see the following leaders for help.

Band Problems: Student Leader

Attendance: Student Leader

Percussion Equipment Issues: Student Leader

Flag Issues: Guard Captains

Sheet Music/Drill: Google Classroom, then Student Leader

Uniform Repair or Number: Quartermaster then Band Parent

Medical Problems: Director

Financial Challenges: Director

Instrument Checkout/Repair: Director


Performances are equivalent to chapter-end tests in math class.  They are the culmination of weeks of collective work and require every member of the ensemble.  It is imperative you check personal calendars against the band calendar on the website at the beginning of the school year and plan around scheduled dates. Coaches, parents, directors and all involved in the anticipated absence need to be notified early in the year. Please read the screen in the band room to check when we are taking attendance.

In addition, points may be deducted for any of the following reasons: incomplete or incorrect uniform, tardiness, missing music or equipment, and disruptive or inappropriate behavior. The director reserves the right to judge the infraction and the grade reduction.  

All absences must be reported using the online Google form. Excused absences are reserved for family emergencies such as a death in the family/funeral. Students will need to have their parents leave a voicemail or an email with the director in advance. An absence will be excused for illness if a doctor’s note is also provided when notifying the directors. The student will receive 85% of the performance grade with the opportunity to make up the additional points.

Examples of unexcused absences are, but not limited to, illness without a doctor’s note, homework, employment, family dinners or gatherings, drivers education etc. Anytime the student has mismanaged his or her calendar which results in missing rehearsal or performance. Notifying the director of an absence through email prior to the event, does not excuse it, unless it is an illness with a doctor’s note or death in the family. The student will receive 59% of the event’s grade with the ability to make up the points.

Fall Athletes involved in after school practice and did not apply for (and get approved) for the marching band waiver are encouraged to speak to the coaches early in the year and let them know the dates of marching rehearsals and performances. Our expectation is that the athletes leave practice a little early and are allowed to arrive a little late to marching practice. Rarely, rehearsals or performances will directly conflict with athletic events. When that occurs, speak with coaches and directors early about the conflicting date as soon as it is discovered. Many times the student will be able to participate in some or all of both events with a little planning and alternative arrangements for transportation. This year Concert Band students playing a fall sport can request to opt out of Tuesday practices and Friday games. It will be up to the music department staff to approve or deny the request. Talk to a director and fill out the form to get started.

In addition, points may be deducted for any of the following reasons: incomplete or incorrect uniform, tardiness, missing music or equipment, disruptive or inappropriate behavior. The director reserves the right to judge the infraction and the grade reduction. 


A large portion of our marching season is covered in the summer marching camp. Students are required to attend the scheduled rehearsals on the band calendar. These rehearsals will always be on the calendar a year in advance and we encourage families to observe those dates when scheduling vacations. 

In Class Rehearsals

Students will be given the opportunity to practice field marching and music rehearsal during their scheduled band period. Daily grades for marching season will be reflected in the students' participation grade (worth 5 points) and will include, but not limited to: material checks, reflections of skill development, music performance reviews and overall pro-active attitudes.

Tuesday Rehearsals Grade Breakdown as per the Band Syllabus

Tuesday Evening Rehearsals     25 Points Each

Attendance 15 Points

Materials (Instrument, ALL music, Drill, Pencil) 5 Points

Appropriate Footwear (Tennis Shoes/Non-open toe shoes) 5 Points




All rules remain consistent with District Policy. A well-defined and executed rehearsal technique has a direct impact on the success of the group. It is expected that all band members adhere to the following rehearsal etiquette: 


Football Games, Parades, Grand Openings 


The Hinsdale Central Red Devil Marching Band, through the generosity of the D86 administration, purchased DeMoulin Collection uniforms in 2009 and has been gracious enough to continue to supply the band with additional uniforms as the band has grown. We are very LUCKY to have such high quality uniforms and it is the obligation of every single student, parent and staff member to assist in the maintenance and care of this costly investment. Any deliberate abuse of this privilege will result in consequences that may include financial penalties and/or grade reductions. The directors reserve the right to judge what behavior in uniform is unacceptable. 


Instrument and Flags