You should definitely join Interp! We have the most fun and dominate the circuit!
Meetings on Tuesdays @ 2:30 in Mr. Frietz's Room (C218)!
For the more information contact: antzjd4
A little about Interp:
Interp is divided into blackbook events and non-blackbook events. It is used to convey a message or express an emotion throughout the piece.
Multiple sources of literature to create a program under a central theme or social issue
A 10 minute performance
Blackbooks can be used as a prop in anyway to help enhance the performance
There are 3 Blackbook events
POI (Program Oral Interp)- compilation of books, articles, and poems
Poetry- compilation of poetry and songs
Prose- parts of one book
Events include HI (Humorous Interp), DI (Dramatic Interp), and DUO (Duo Interp... can be humorous or dramatic)
10 minutes and memorized
Interpretations of plays, films, books, or any other published work
Intro after teaser to talk about your piece out of character followed by title and author
Note: The examples above are just some really good performances, but we encourage you to explore some other performances yourself.