Mixing music and math: The curious connection of music and numbers

European DJ Haidak has had a love affair with music for most of his life. He used to share his passion with people everywhere through his shows. Nowadays however, Haidak has included blogging in his repertoire, and imparted his in-depth knowledge of music to readers from all corners of the globe.

For today’s blog, Haidak looks at the curious connection between music and mathematics. In fact, he even argues that both math and music become more interesting because of their connection to each other.

The fact of the matter is, not everyone appreciates math. Pop culture has made the subject look uncool and nerdy, completely disrespecting the significance it has had on society. However, without math, things such as technology, media, and yes, music, would not exist.

Music, on the other hand, is extremely personal – for both musicians and fans. Haidak mentions that you can tell a lot about a person from the music they listen to. And while this can be chalked up to personal preference, perhaps mathematics can explain the phenomenon even further.

Every piece of music has rhythm. When this rhythm reaches a person’s ear, it stimulates bones within the muscles of the organ. Particular beats elicit specific responses from people and just like a workout, may trigger the release of hormones in the body.

And this is just one of the many fascinating theories that exist between music and math, Haidak notes. There are countless others.

Haidak productions are gaining recognition throughout the industry, with a release on Monika Kruse's Terminal M. His track 'Lifted,' with Ramon Tapia, charged through the Beatport Techno top 100 charts settling at #19. Haidak has also released on Ramon Tapia's Say What? Records, Click Records, and EIN2. If you are interested in reading more about Haidak, visit this website.

Image source: pinterest.com

Image source: classiesounds.com