A guide to switching from DJ headphones to IEMs
There’s a reason DJ headphones are called such. For decades, DJs have been using over-the-ear headphones during concerts to get an accurate monitoring of the sound they produce from the deck. Yet over the past few years, in-ear-monitors or IEMs are the entire buzz in the music industry for its unparalleled sound quality. Are DJs ready to make the switch?
According to DJ-producer Haidak, it has becoming more usual for DJs to use IEMs than headphones both in the booth and on deck. While professional singers, musicians, and producers have all been using IEMs during live concerts and recordings for years, DJs have only been making the switch recently. One main reason for this is ear health. DJs need to protect their hearing and IEMs can do just that. Using a pair of professional IEMs on stage, which both ears in, allows a DJ to hear music without having to reach dangerous volume levels.
Some IEMs are fully customizable while others have generic fit. For professional use, it’s best to use custom ears for better comfort and zero sound bleed. Always wear both ears to prevent an ear for compensating for the other. In addition, mixing in controlled volumes enhances one’s monitoring experience while protecting their ears.
Practice wearing IEMs at home—there is no other way to get used to it, says Haidak. Use IEMs when producing music at home and experience the difference it makes in the way you mix. IEMs offer accurate sound impression which ensures a DJ that the crowd hears the same thing through the speakers.
Up-and-coming electronic music artist Haidak is showing no signs of stopping as he continues to grow a following with his music by playing in festivals and participating in Amsterdam’s popular rave circuit. For more from Haidak, head over to this blog.
Image source: themasterswitch.com
Image source: thenextweb.com