How to organize a concert

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One of the best ways to entertain a large crowd of hundreds, or even thousands, is to organize a concert. Whether you are doing it for charity or to make money by selling tickets, organizing a concert is a great way to introduce your locale to musical talents and likewise show established bands that they have a following in your locale. DJ Haidak from Amsterdam claims that while the idea seems daunting, it can be broken down to a few simple steps.

The first thing you need to do is to book a venue. This would depend on how many people you are expecting to attend. These are often spacious venues like a sporting arena, a public amphitheater, or even a gymnasium. The venue could even be existing ones like bars that have live band performers.

After booking the venue, you should then book your talent. You can either do this first and find a venue that has the same availability as your talent or look for a talent that’s available to play on the day you are renting the venue.

With those two out of the way, you’ll next need to book the logistics for the concert. This is comprised of a wide variety of equipment and manpower including security, stage setup, audio equipment rental, setting up a backstage for your talent, booking food and accommodation for your talent if they require it, as well as hiring on-ground staff like bouncers, production assistants, and talent coordinators.

Once everything has been booked, all that’s left to do is to promote your concert. DJ Haidak believes that the lesser known your talent is, the harder it would be to promote them. This is why some concerts make use of local talent as an opening act in order to draw in local folks to increase attendance.

Haidak is an up and coming DJ and Producer, who has found his home base between Koh Phangan and Amsterdam. Born in Washington D.C., Haidak discovered a love for electronic music early in life. At the age of 17, he made the leap and purchased Ableton and got to work learning the craft. More on music production and promotionshere.