ESP WiFi Monitor Parts

ESP WiFi Monitor Parts

The following components are needed to build the ESP12E WiFi version of the GreenSense monitor device...

Choose a Board

Either the Wemos D1 arduino compatible board (on the left) or the ESP12 Development Board (on the right) can be used for the WiFi monitor device:

ESP12 Development Board

Smaller in size and powered by either 5v or 3.3v.

Wemos D1

Larger in size and easier to connect to a 12v power supply, such as a solar panel.

Sensor Shield

Makes it easier to to connect sensors, etc. to the Wemos D1 arduino compatible WiFi development board.

Soil Moisture Sensor (Hygrometer)

The sensor that measures soil moisture levels (by measuring soil resistance).

Note: The adapter shown below is also required.

Female Hookup Wires

Used to connect the various components together.

USB Cable

To connect the device to a host computer for programming or for networking.


  • USB Mini Type B