
Funds earned from GrowSense licensing help to pay for infrastructure, R&D, and maintenance of existing projects.

Non-Commercial Use

Anyone who builds the GrowSense projects for a non-commercial purpose (such as a home garden) can do so free of charge. Donations are welcome.

Commercial Use

Anyone using the GrowSense projects for a commercial purpose, such as a commercial farm or other business, are required to negotiate a license fee.

The license fee can be determined on a case-by-case basis by the level of benefit provided by the GrowSense devices.

Kit Sales

Anyone selling a GrowSense kit along with the setup walkthroughs and code are required to pay a percentage of the sale in order to use the GrowSense code and other infrastructure.

The current license fee percentage has not been decided yet. Feel free to make an offer.

Negotiating a License

Send an email to negotiate a commercial or kit seller license:

Payments & Donations

Payments and donations can be made via PayPal: