Orange Pi Zero

This guide explains how to set up an Orange Pi Zero as a headless garden host computer.

Orange Pi Zero Setup Videos

Using a Linux Computer

Using a Windows Computer

Flash Micro SD Card

A single board computer such as the orange pi zero needs a micro SD card with armbian (or similar) installed.

Get the Image

Get the image from the armbian website:

Write the Image to Micro SD Card

Write the armbian OS image to your Micro SD card:

Prepare Computer

Install the Micro SD Card

Insert the micro SD card into your orange pi zero (or equivalent):

Connect the garden computer to the network via ethernet:

Connect a 5v micro USB power cable to the garden computer:

The garden computer should now boot and be connected to the local network.

Note: It may take some time for the garden computer to boot and be accessible via the network, so be patient.

As it has no display, keyboard, or mouse this is a "headless" computer. To use it you will need to connect from another computer or device.

Initial Orange Pi Zero Setup

On another linux computer that is on the same network, and has a monitor and a keyboard, open a command terminal.

Some linux computers allow you to use the following key combination to open a command terminal:


Otherwise look for the command terminal application in the menu under "Accessories" or "System Tools"

Connect via SSH

To interact with the headless garden computer via the network you can connect via SSH.

Default Armbian Login

Use this login if the host computer has not yet been configured (ie. the armbian OS has been freshly installed):


  • ssh root@[hostname]
  • ssh root@[ipaddress]


  • ssh root@orangepizero
  • ssh root@


  • The default username for Armbian is "root" and the default password is "1234".
  • If you're using a different type of single-board-computer then the "hostname" will be different.
  • You can also use the IP address of the garden computer instead of the hostname.

Enter the password "1234" and press ENTER.

You will be prompted to enter the current root user password, then enter a new password for the root user. Provide a new password and press ENTER.

Then you will be prompted to create a user account for you to use via SSH. Enter the username and password, but the rest are optional and can be skipped by pressing ENTER.

Continue General Preparation

Follow the general garden computer preparation steps to continue.