Technology orientation

GrowSense powers an IoT plant growing system 


sense -> infer -> decide -> act

Our goal is to facilitate plant growing, using technology to automate repetitive tasks

Examples: automated irrigation, illumination, nutrient dispensing, etc.   

Automation requires data and information about the plant and its environment. To collect data and extract information we need sensors.  

Sensor data is used to infer plant conditions. This information feeds into decision making and leads to actions


monitor -> act -> manage

Plant growing systems are connected to the Internet and send information to a database. A user interface is used to monitor plant conditions for individual plant growing systems.  

Actions can be planned or triggered remotely using the online tool.  

The aggregated information about active plant growing systems can be used for planning maintenance, system repairs and upgrades.  


learn -> evolve

In the future, plant growing systems will be able to learn from each others, share optimized system parameters, suggest systems improvement.