Garden Computer

A garden host computer is what makes you plant growing system connect to the Internet, to connect with other plant growers and for a plant growing ecosystem. 

A garden host computer is used to upload sketches, provide an MQTT broker for communication between devices, and provide automatic updates for USB connected devices.

Once responses start returning as shown above the garden computer is back online.

Press CTRL+C to exit back to the terminal prompt.

Now you can log in to the garden computer using the new user and hostname as shown below.

Configured Login

Use this login after the garden computer has been configured (ie. the hostname has been set and user account has been created):



Enter the password of the garden computer that was set above:

The terminal should look something like this, which means you're logged into the garden computer via SSH:

You are now logged into your headless garden computer and it is ready to use.

Prepare GrowSense Source Code

To install a GrowSense device you will need to set up the source code on the garden computer then continue.

Set Up Garden

Prepare WiFi and MQTT Settings

Set the MQTT username and password:


The output should look something like this:

Set the WiFi credentials:

The output should look something like this:

Create Garden Services

Set up the garden:

This configures and launches the mosquitto MQTT broker with the username and password provided above.

Enter your password and press ENTER:

The output should look something like this:

Your garden computer is now ready to use. The MQTT broker should be up and running, using the credentials provided earlier.