Prepare Computer

Most single-board-computers should be usable as a GrowSense host garden computer.

Note: Slight differences between some boards require different versions of software to be installed. If the GrowSense system won't install to your single-board-computer or won't run then please report it as an issue so it can be fixed.

Initial Computer Specific Setup

Use the following guides to perform the initial setup for your single-board-computer:

Continue Setup for All Computers

The following steps assume you're logged into your single-board-computer via SSH...

Set the Hostname

Change the hostname of the computer to "garden" (or any hostname you prefer):

Enter the root password when prompted and press ENTER to confirm the change.


Reboot the garden computer so it uses the new hostname:

The host computer should now reboot with the new host name.

  • Note: This may take a while so be patient.

Ping Garden Computer

Ping the garden computer to see when it comes back online:

If the hostname "garden" can't be resolved then use the IP address instead:

When the computer is offline and/or still booting the response will look something like this:

When the computer is back online the results should look something like this: