Irrigator Pump Status

The GrowSense irrigator can be configured with the following pump settings:

  • Off - The pump is turned off

  • On - The pump is turned on

  • Auto - The pump turns on automatically when the soil moisture level is below the desired threshold

Set Pump Status

Linear MQTT Dashboard

The Linear MQTT Dashboard user interface can be used to set the pump status from a mobile device.

Open the Linear MQTT Dashboard:

Select the tab corresponding with the target GrowSense device (eg. Irrigator1):

Tap the arrow next to the "Pump" label and select the new pump status:

The pump should detect the change and the the user interface should reflect the new option:

Note: There may be a delay between selecting a new pump status and having it detected by the device then refected on the user interface.

Now you can manually control your pump from your mobile device.

It is recommended that you change the pump status back to auto once you no longer need manual control:

With the pump status set to auto the pump should irrigate automatically as needed.