
Because gifted students differ in a variety of ways, their needs can be met by placing them appropriately along several continuums. A continuum of services is the variety of delivery and programming options available to gifted students for meeting both their academic and affective needs. A continuum of programming options refers to the curricular and affective opportunities provided to gifted and talented students through the implementation of the programming components. Programming options are embedded in the three- tiered model for student success that describes options for all gifted students, targeted groups of gifted students, and a few gifted students who require intense programming options.

The following options are available to gifted students depending upon their individual needs and the availability within each district:

  • Accelerated content - student advances in a particular subject.
  • Accelerated grade - student skips all or part of an entire grade.
  • Advanced placement - student participates in a specific content area and takes an exam to be eligible to receive a college credit.
  • Affective guidance - provides gifted students the support they need to meet their social/emotional needs.
  • Cluster grouping - gifted students grouped together in a general education class.
  • College classes - courses offered through the local community college or university, receiving both high school and college credit.
  • Competitions or advanced clubs - various competitions occur throughout the year in a variety of areas in which gifted students may participate.
  • Cross age grouping - grouping strategy that mixes children of different ages for instruction.
  • Curriculum compacting - students may work with a teacher to preassess and compact a specific curriculum to move through it more expediently.
  • In-class enrichment - students are given opportunities to explore topics more deeply while still in their general education setting.
  • Pull-out enrichment - students are given opportunities to explore topics more deeply in a setting outside of their general education classroom and with their gifted peers
  • Independent study - students are given opportunities to explore topics of interest to them in an independent setting, guidance is provided by qualified staff.