Identification for Gifted Services
Gifted identification is the culmination of thoughtful consideration of many different elements by a team of educators and administrators. While the assessments used may differ from district to district, the procedures remain the same. Following are the procedures that are followed in our districts. Below you can access our parents' gifted education handbook.
- Early Access - Early access is designed for highly gifted 4 and 5 year olds to enable them to attend Kindergarten and First grade a year earlier.
- Early Access (Acceso_Temprano_Documentos_dePadres)
- K-12 Identification - Here you will find the procedures for all other gifted students.
- K-12 Indentificación de los superdotados
UncompahgreBOCS GTParentHandbook online version 2017.pdf
Uncompahgre BOCES Manual de Educación para Padres de Dotados.pdf