Silvia Caponi
I work in bio-photonics: applying light-based technologies to the fascinating word of life sciences (more info).
My recent scientific interests include:
-microscopy and spectroscopy approaches to address the bio-mechanics at the single cell and tissue level
-development of imaging and spectroscopy devices for biomedical and environmental applications
Researcher at CNR - Istituto Officina dei Materiali - IOM Sede di Perugia , c/o Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia
Via Pascoli 06123 Perugia.
Telephones: (+39) 075 585 2776 Office
(+39) 075 585 2746 Lab
Recently financed Projects:
Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” “Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)”
COupling Microfluidics and Brillouin mIcroscopy for monitoring biomechanical properties of breast caNcer clustErs (COMBINE)
Brillouin GHOST lab is part of the H2020 research infrastructure NFFA EUROPE
Call for proposals is open. Let's tackle complex issues and great challenges together!
Special Issue in European Biophysics Journal:
Call for papers!
Special issue "Italian Biophysics Congress SIBPA2024 " of the European Biophysics Journal.
Guest editors: Silvia Caponi, Rita Carrotta, Paolo Bianchini, Alberto Diaspo and Velia Menicozzi
Highlights :
Selected publications:
Irina Kabakova, Jitao Zhang, Yuchen Xiang, Silvia Caponi, Alberto Bilenca, Jochen Guck & Giuliano Scarcelli, Brillouin microscopy, Nature Reviews Methods Primers 4, 8 (2024)
A.A. Passeri, A. Di Michele, I. Neri, F. Cottone, D. Fioretto, M. Mattarelli, S. Caponi Size and environment: The effect of phonon localization on micro-Brillouin imaging Biomaterials Advances 147, 213341 (2023)
E. Frittoli et al.Tissue fluidification promotes a cGAS–STING cytosolic DNA response in invasive breast cancer Nature Materials 2022
M. Mattarelli, G. Capponi, A. A. Passeri, D. Fioretto, S. Caponi Disentanglement of Multiple Scattering Contribution in Brillouin Microscopy ACS Photonics 2022
M. Bailey, M. Alunni-Cardinali, N. Correa, S. Caponi, T. Holsgrove, H. Barr, N. Stone, C. P. Winlove, D. Fioretto, F. Palombo "Viscoelastic properties of biopolymer hydrogels determined by Brillouin spectroscopy: A probe of tissue micromechanics" Science Advances 6, 44, eabc1937 (2020)
R. Mercatelli, S. Mattana, L. Capozzoli, F. Ratto, F. Rossi, R. Pini, D. Fioretto, F. S. Pavone, S. Caponi, and R. Cicchi “Morpho-mechanics of human collagen superstructures revealed by all-optical correlative micro-spectroscopies” Communications Biology 2 117 (2019)
Sara Mattana, Maurizio Mattarelli, Lorena Urbanelli, Krizia Sagini, Carla Emiliani, Mauro Dalla Serra, Daniele Fioretto, Silvia Caponi “Non-contact mechanical and chemical analysis of single living cells by micro-spectroscopic techniques” Light: science and applications 7, 17139 (2018).
F Scarponi, S Mattana, S Corezzi, S Caponi, L Comez, P Sassi, A Morresi, M Paolantoni, L Urbanelli, C Emiliani, L Roscini, L Corte, G Cardinali, F Palombo, JR Sandercock, D Fioretto “High-Performance Versatile Setup for Simultaneous Brillouin-Raman Microspectroscopy” PHYSICAL REVIEW X 7 031015 (2017).
Events: Schools and Congresses
-European Conferences on Biomedical Optics 25-29 June 2023 Munich-Germany. Member of ECBO Technical Program Committees for the TOPIC: "Emerging Technologies for Cell and Tissue Characterization"
-XXV Congresso Nazionale SIBPA 2021 28 June-1 July 2021 Parma-Italy. Chair of the session: "Optical and spectroscopic methods applied to biology and medicine"
-European Conferences on Biomedical Optics 20-24 June 2021 Munich-Germany. Member of ECBO Technical Program Committees for the TOPIC: "Emerging Technologies for Cell and Tissue Characterization"
-N4M 2020 5th "Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology" Symposium, 30 November-03 December 2020 Digital on-line edition
-Joint 12th EBSA - 10th ICBP-IUPAP Biophysics Congress: Biophysics for life and technologies Symposium "New frontiers in Bioimaging" 20 - 24 July 2019, Madrid, Spain
-XXIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics "Emerging Tools in Biomechanics: from tissues down to single molecules" 4-8 February, 2019, Venice (IT).
Report on IUPAB news #71 pag 10-XXIV Congresso Nazionale SIBPA- 10-13 September 2018, Ancona (IT).
Report on IUPAB news #69 pag 17-Advances in Brillouin Light Scattering & BioBrillouin Meeting 12-14 September 2018, Perugia (IT).
Report on IUPAB news #69 pag 18Communication and Disclosure News