
- Optical table with tandem-multipass Fabry-Perot interferometer and Horiba Jobin-Yvon monocromator, for simultaneous micro-Brillouin and micro-Raman measurements.

- Optical table with micro-BLS, with piezo-scanning stage and high spatial resolution (250 nm).

- Optical table equipped with traditional tandem-multipass FP interferometer, for BLS measurements.

- Electrooptic setup for high resolution frequency calibration of Fabry-Perot interferometers.

- Photon correlation spectroscopy setup.

- Surface Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect apparatus (any geometry) with applied fields up to 2 T.

- Cold-finger, low-vibration, optical cryostat (3 K - RT).

- Continuous flow optical cryostat for BLS and SMOKE measurements (4-500 K).

- Ultra-High Vacuum preparation chamber with in-situ BLS and SMOKE analysis (equipped also with LEED-Auger and RHEED apparatus).

- Atomic Force Microscope, also used as Magnetic Force Microscope, using magnetic tips.

- Network analysers for dielectric and acoustic spectroscopy (2 MHz - 20 GHz).

- Signal generator and spectrum analizer for electrical measurements up to 26 GHz.

- Microwave probe station

- Alpha Novocontrol spectrometer for dielectric spectroscopy in the range 0.01 Hz, 10 MHz.

- Ultrasonic setup for velocity of sound measurements in the 1-10 MHz range.