Tropical Plumes

One of my most exciting discoveries was a new map that showed 'precipitable water'. I mentioned it in Ocean Currents, but it deserves more explanation, since my 6-month weather predictions are based on this.

Nearly all of the Earth's heat energy is contained in the tropical belt, following the equator. Compared to this, the rest of us enjoy the dribs and drabs.

I find that people have difficulty with this. Water can contain 4,000 times the heat energy of air, by volume. And moist air is probably 1000 times that of dry air. This moist air can go on and on until it hits cold air. The energy released in a storm or hurricane is from the collision of cold and warm-moist air. Water droplets are released, and the air undergoes severe convection. The warmies state that 'warmer air holds more energy, so hurricanes are a result of carbon warming". Right beside this, they state that 'carbon warming causes droughts because warm air is dry." They love their little stories.

Over the years, the patterns change, caused by ocean current shifts. There is very little physics on how a plume gets started and travels. However, it could be done, but it conflicts with the 'sacred cow' of carbon warming. As such, it will never get done. Between the ozone and carbon hypotheses, we have totally destroyed any atmospheric physics. Philosophy and 'self-serving consensus' are now the rule.

If we did it by the Scientific Method, then we would cast the hypothesis: 'The ocean can only reach a temperature of about 30C. At that point, the air convection becomes very unstable, and a lot of energy pours out with evaporation. The air pressure becomes low, and it is near boiling. This great instability propagates, and follows channels caused by warm water currents. The energy is the cause of the larger weather patterns.' This hypothesis can be tests by new experiments and either accepted or thrown in the trash. However, nobody wants to take the chance of being dumpster filler. Sad.