Modern Ice Advances

As we can see, our modern age is really cold. We have continental ice advances. Whether they had ice advances 450 million years ago, is something we'll never know. It all depends on the continental position with regard to the poles. Our ice advances only started 2 million years ago, when everything was aligned, including ocean currents, continental elevation, etc.

Everybody has something to push. We have volcano, sun spot, and CO2 fanatics. The fact remains that we have regular cycles of warm and cold during historic times, and these have had a big influence on history. These are what I call the big cycles of about 3-600 years. As well, we have cycles of 20-30 years. We remember the 70's to 90's, big snow, very cold. Then we have the ice advances at about 10,000 year cycles, more or less.

My physics is consistent with large-scale ocean current shifts that cause these cycles. Right now, we have the Gulf Stream changing. That's bound to cause something. We also have big shifts in the Pacific. The ice advance cycles are of the same order as the recovery of the land heights (isostatic uplift). We could declare all these things 'truths' and yell about them on Facebook, but it is better to use the Scientific Method. That leads to lots of experiments we could do. However, with FB declarative science, none of these experiments will be done.

Had all the other factors been aligned, the Little Ice Age could have become a major ice advance. We just needed all the Arctic highlands recovered, and then we would have an "Ice Lock" as we have with Greenland. That's when the snow and ice stays all year, and the white ice reflects all solar energy. The ice lock has to be powerful enough to deflect all the tropical plumes, so there may be other factors. However, I'm quite convinced that an ice lock is sufficient. After thousands of years of mile-high ice, the land sinks below sea level, and the ice melts. Here we are, in an Interglacial.

This chart shows the big and minor swings of the ice advances. The little swings are of the order of 10,000 or so, years. The big swings are about 100,000 years. The smaller swings are isostatic uplift, but who knows about the big ones?