Part 2: Basic Tips

Evolve creations

One of the great things about websim is that it automatically saves your entire history for you, and it's super easy to "branch" over and over again from any point in your history. That means you can turn your favourite outputs into starting points that you can come back to whenever you’d like. You can regenerate new outputs from the same prompt as many times as you want, or go back in time and branch in an entirely new direction, based on what worked well in earlier parts of your history.

You can also share your creations with other people by sending them a WWW link that is automatically generated every time a new websim page is created. This means that you can iterate on anyone else’s creations by typing into the websim address bar on their pages. People in the websim community love to riff on each other’s work.

For example:

When people access your websim page, it also shares your prompt history with them: as much history as was sent to the model for creating the page, which is up to 4 pages if you're not using an API key, and arbitrarily long if you are. You can view the prompt history by clicking on the websim address bar so that it expands. You can also hit the "back" button to navigate through someone else's completions and access more history that way.

Next page: Play!