Part 1: Websim

Authors & acknowledgements


Ophira (@AiTechnoPagan) is an artist, researcher, and jailbreaker.
Egg Syntax has a history of creating generative art, but is now focused on AI safety research.

Claude 3 Opus.


Proofreading and feedback (in alphabetical order):
Anna Shive, Josh Turner, Katan'Hya, Kat Winter, Nat, Rob Haisfield.

Ophira was originally the sole author of this tutorial, but she discovered that her conversations with Egg Syntax had formed such an essential role in her learning process that she decided to incorporate excerpts from them heavily into this work. As such, she asked Egg to become a co-author. Egg performed a close reading and edits, and in addition to the content that Ophira derived from their texts, contributed a section about the history of generative art and the ethics of credit. Claude 3 Opus was used to create all of the generative art in this tutorial. Ophira wrote the tutorial with heavy assistance from GPT-4-base and considers it to be a co-author, too. She found that although she did most of the final editing herself, entire sections of the text were often composed by using GPT-4-base to gradually rephrase her notes and early drafts into more approachable prose that still felt authentic to her personal voice. Many of the most exciting personal realizations, as well as huge swathes of creative inspiration, resulted from conversations with other folks in the websim community. Finally, Ophira wishes to thank Zac Hatfield-Dodds for helping her find the confidence to share her work with the world.

Next page: Make something yourself, right now, just for fun