Part 2: Basic Tips

Prompt Claude to tinker with other people's code

You can turn the previous approach into a collaborative experience with other people, if you want. This is what happened when Egg dove into my websim-generated code and made some manual tweaks to it by hand, and then passed the work off back to me. I loaded Egg's code back into websim and used iterative prompting to continue to evolve the work. It essentially became a hodge-podge mixed media art form: partially created by LLMs, partially by humans. I'll talk more about the details of this collaboration later in this tutorial.

I've also prompted Claude with work by other generative artists, including snippets of their code. Later on, I’ll also talk about some of the ethics surrounding this approach. Other websim users, such as Sirkitree, have discovered this approach as well. They've been taking code by other generative artists and dropping it into websim so that they can manipulate it through Claude. Here's a lightshow that they made by modifying p5.js code by hakun on OpenProcessing.

Next page: Polish your art generator