Mandelbloom Calligram Generator

This was my very first attempt at making generative art in websim with Claude 3 Opus. I was new to websim at this point and I didn't realize that every time I type a new prompt into the websim address bar, it continues the same session, without refreshing the context, which is why I entered the same prompt over again.

Janus and I collaborated on this piece, and I've included their prompts as well.

user (aitechnopagan):

create a website that generates stunning relaxing ascii art calligram backgrounds in bright beautiful pastel colours

user (aitechnopagan):

a website with a visually stunning calligram generator inspired by Mandelbrot fractals and rainbow puddles and sublime blossoms that can be generated over and over

user (janus): this is beautiful. can you make a version where the colors are (at least in part) determined by maxiterations instead of random?

user (janus): you make it so that the color is still partly random, with maxiterations setting the range/distribution from which it's sampled?