ASCII Fractal Generator

This is another early attempt at making a generator. I incorporated adjustable parameters for Magnification, Iterations, X-offset, Y-offset, Distortion, Decoherence, Characters, and Color Scheme. I got the ideas for some of these parameters from Claude through other art generators that it created for me. I also got some of the ideas for the parameters from a computer-generated Mandelbrot zine made with vintage computers, which I discovered while I was searching for inspiration online.

user (aitechnopagan):

a website with a large and detailed visually stunning ascii calligram inspired by Mandelbrot fractals in a mathematically significant colour palette that can be adjusted (magnification, iterations, density, centre of fractal, x-offset, y-offset, palette with colour schemes, characters input, text alignment, rezzing slider that distorts the text with interesting lines, decoherence slider) as well as a copy paste button and a the control panel is small and off to the side