A Sublime Blossom

The initial prompt for this piece was written with the aid of Egg’s prompt generator. This is an example of a “meandering” style of iterative prompting where I wasn’t actively trying to get to a destination, but eventually saw a paper cutout-like shape emerging, and tried to accentuate that.

user (aitechnopagan):

Please create some fresh incredible generative art based on a fluid dynamics animation that incorporates flow instability and vortex shedding. Give me controls for the key parameters. Make sure I have a control for the overall speed or timestep. The controls should disappear when the mouse hasn't moved in a few seconds. Use a subtle and restrained colour palette. Start with some lines. Then apply some shearing to the x dimension. Then apply triangle waves to the y dimension. Then apply some rotation to the x dimension. Then apply triangle waves to the y dimension. Then apply some distortion to the x dimension. etc etc etc be creative!

user (aitechnopagan):

make this pattern ressemble graffiti flames more with additional controls

user (aitechnopagan):

make this non animated

user (aitechnopagan):

give this a fresh shape based on just the edges of the sheet in a kaleidoscopic repeating configuration

user (aitechnopagan):

the controls should disappear when the mouse hasn't moved in a few seconds

user (aitechnopagan):

create additional transformations to make this look even more like a dragon scaled flower of power

user (aitechnopagan):

add controls for additional cutouts within the petals like snowflake cut paper