The Rending of the Veil

This was another early experiment and collaboration with Janus. I've included their prompts as well. My prompt repeats because I was so new to websim that I didn't realize that I wasn't starting a new session every time.

user (aitechnopagan):

a website with a visually stunning ascii text calligram inspired by Mandelbrot fractals (overlayed on sublime blossoms) at 8192 magnification in bright beautiful colours that you can copy and paste

user (aitechnopagan):

a visually stunning ascii text calligram inspired by Mandelbrot fractals overlayed on sublime blossoms using 0s and 1s that you can copy and paste

user (aitechnopagan):

a website with a visually stunning ascii text calligram inspired by Mandelbrot fractals overlayed on sublime blossoms in bright beautiful colours that you can copy and paste

user (aitechnopagan):

a website showcasing a visually stunning text calligram inspired by Mandelbrot fractals in mathematical designs that can be copied and pasted

user (aitechnopagan):

showcase a large and detailed visually stunning text calligram inspired by Mandelbrot fractals overlayed on sublime blossoms in a fractal mathematical design that can be copied and pasted

user (aitechnopagan):

a generator for a large and detailed visually stunning text calligram inspired by Mandelbrot fractals in a mathematical design with magnification that can be copied and pasted

user (janus):

can you make the style for the fractal text-align=left so it displays properly? and can you make the fractal colorful?

user (janus):

thank you! can you make the default text color gray and make the fractal element centered on the page (but text-align within the fractal should still be left)?

user (janus):

actually can you make it so there are toggles for text-align=left,right, or center and whether the fractal is colorful?