
Japanese / English


Workshop1: For beginners Google Classroom (1st Step) as the student

《GEG Hagoromo:Seiichi Tsuji, Kenzo Yoneda》

This workshop will be conducted in Japanese. An introductory session on how to use Google Classroom. Participants will learn the basics of Google Classroom from the student user perspective. The session is subject to change.

【Google App Used:Google Classroom】

Workshop2: Google Forms Experience

《GEG Awaji:Ikko Tabuchi, Masako Okada》

This workshop will be conducted in Japanese. Learn all about Google Forms. Participants can try out various features of Google Forms and discuss their possibilities in educational practice. Come share your thoughts and ideas and help pave the way to a new future in education.

【Google App Used:Google Forms】

Workshop3: No Youtube,No Education?

《GEG Kamakura:Yusuke Kobayashi》

This workshop will be conducted in Japanese. YouTube and YouTube Live are convenient multifunctional tools for creating. This session will not only introduce these tools but be a time for participants to share and discuss the educational advantages of their uses.

【Google App Used:YouTube】

Workshop4: Google Expeditions ~Bring Your Lessons To Life~

《GEG Takatsuki:Ryuhei Okamoto》

This workshop will be conducted in Japanese. Use VR (Virtual Reality) to explore beyond the classroom. Participants will experience Google Expeditions for themselves then share and discuss its possibilities for classroom implementation.

【Google App Used:Google Expeditions】

Workshop5: Let’s use Add-ons!

《GEG Shinjuku:Yosuke Hayashi》

This workshop will be conducted in Japanese. Do you know what an "add-on" is? G Suite is a convenient enough tool just on its own, but to do more and to go farther, you need to learn how to use Add-Ons. We can take you from "maybe it could be possible", to a true reality of use. Come learn how to use Add-Ons in Sheets, Docs, and in Classroom.

【Google App Used:Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Classroom, Add-ons】

Workshop6: G Suite Overview & Administration, and Google Classroom

《GEG Kyoto city:Erin Noxon》

This workshop will be conducted in English. First, we'll start with an overview of G Suite for Education/Work, what it is, why you can / should use it at your school, how you can apply, and how to manage basic tasks in Admin. Next, we'll take a deeper look into Google Admin. We will go over all of the main sections of Google Admin, how to add users, and how to configure apps and settings. Finally we'll have an overview of Google Classroom, how you can set up classes, assign teachers and students to classes, give homework and assignments, and manage all of the student work within Classroom and Drive.【Google App Used:G Suite and Google Classroom】