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Welcome to GEG Kansai Weekend!2017


Senri & Osaka International Schools of Kwansei Gakuin(SIS, OIS)


Let’s go forward towards the future of education, sharing our ideas freely!

Our goal is to provide an opportunity where you can interact face-to-face with like-minded educators and exchange ideas. Let's trade hints and tips to develop innovative lessons while embracing diverse values ​​in a rich international environment. Together we can inspire and lead the next generation of education, and update our ideas on best classroom practices. End the isolation, add new faces to your professional learning network, and join us!

DAY1:12月2日(土)18:00~21:00 PUB Night! @UMEDA

DAY2:12月3日(日)10:00~17:00 Educator Meetup!

Click here to apply!


12月2日(土)18:00〜21:00 PUB Night! @ UMEDA

Cafenne (near every Umeda Station)

大阪府大阪市北区芝田2-5-12 長岡ビルB1F・1F


Network with your fellow practitioners and trade ideas while getting your eat and drink on at the pub! We will also have a Demo Slam, and the winners will get prizes, so bring your best ideas to share! The fee will be 6000 yen per person for the dinner. Please RSVP on the homepage as spots are limited.

・Reception : 17: 50〜

・Cost : 5000 yen

※ You can attend just one or both days of the event.


12月3日(日)10:00〜17:00 Educator Meetup!

※ The participation fee for Day 2 is free.

※ Please come in casual clothes for the day.


●Reception 9:30~(at Theater)

●10:00〜10:50 Opening Talk

Opening Talk:Mayumi Ito (Head of SIS) Bill Kralovec (Head of OIS)

Ice-breaking:Hiroki Iwai (Professor, Osaka University Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences)

We’ll get together in the main hall for the opening ceremony which will start with an ice-breaker so we can all get to know each other.

●11:00〜12:30 Workshops (click for more Information)

※ For further details of each Workshop click here

※ Workshop 6 will be conducted in English

※ We will use Google accounts (free of charge) in the workshops. Make sure you have a personal or school-based Google account before you arrive. (Click here for account creation)

G-Suite (Documents · Sheets · Forms · Classroom, etc), Youtube, and Expeditions - how to use them in classes and more!

・Workshop1:For beginners Google Classroom (1st Step) as the student 《GEG Hagoromo:Seiichi Tsuji, Kenzo Yoneda》

・Workshop2:Google Forms Experience 《GEG Awaji:Ikko Tabuchi, Masako Okada》

・Workshop3:No Youtube,No Education?《GEG Kamakura:Yusuke Kobayashi》

・Workshop4:Google Expeditions ~Bring Your Lessons To Life~ 《GEG Takatsuki:Ryuhei Okamoto》

・Workshop5:Let’s use Add-ons! 《GEG Shinjuku:Yosuke Hayashi》

・Workshop6:G Suite Overview & Administration, and Google Classroom 《GEG Kyoto city:Erin Noxon》

※ For further details of each Workshop click here

●12:30〜13:30 Lunch・Networking

●13:30〜16:30 UnConference

This segment of the day will be similar to an edcamp where participants can choose the topics they’d like to learn about and organize discussion groups together in order to explore those topics more deeply. The sky's the limit… what do you want to learn about?《Main Facilitator: Yusuke Kobayashi (GEG Kamakura) , Yosuke Hayashi(GEG Shinjuku)》

●16:30〜17:00 Closing

Together let’s share what we learned during the day and finish the evening thinking about all of the great ideas we’ll be bringing back to our classrooms.

Closing Talk:Ryuhei Okamoto(GEG Takatsuki), Hirotsugu Katsuta(GEG Sakai)

Click here to apply!

ACCESS/ Contact us (Please refrain from inquiring to the venue school)


02GKW2017 English (1).pdf
02GKW2017 Japanese (1).pdf

Produced by (Click more information about each GEG)