Values-Based Assessments

Values, the ideas held most closely to a person, are formed in a variety of ways including life experiences, feelings, and families. In the context of career planning, values generally refer to the things people value in a career. For example, some people value job security, money, structure, and a regular schedule. Others value flexibility, excitement, independence, and variety. Students who are aware of their values are more likely to choose a career that is in-line with their long-term needs and desires.

O*NET® Work Importance Locator™

The O*NET Work Importance Locator is a self-assessment, career exploration tool that allows students to pin point what is important to them in a job. It helps identify occupations they may find satisfying based on the similarity between their work values (such as achievement, autonomy, and conditions of work) and the characteristics of the occupations.

Life Values Self Assessment Test

The Life Values Self-Assessment Test can help students gain insight in to their personal priorities by establishing which core values are most in need of their attention at this particular point in their life.

InSight Values/Work Characteristics Inventory

The InSight Values/Work Characteristics Inventory can help students clarify and prioritize their values pertaining to working life. It is used in career planning, or may also be used for selecting a company or position. The more students’ work life reflects their most highly regarded values, the more fulfilled they are likely to be.

123test Work Values Test

The 123test Work Values Test can help students identify what makes them happy or unhappy in their work and career. While some students are content with uneventful jobs, others thrive on action and excitement. With this online, work-value assessment students can determine the work values they find most important.