Personality-Type Assessments

Personality assessments help students find a career that is suited to their characteristics, including motivations and needs, when used in conjunction with assessments of values, interests, and skills.

A popular personality assessment is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It was developed by psychologist Carl Jung, who assessed personality types based on eight indicators: extrovert vs. introvert, thinking vs. feeling, sensing vs. intuitive, and judging vs. perceptive.

Jung Typology Test

The Jung Typology Test is a free test based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ classification of personality types. Upon completion, students obtain a 4-letter type formula, along with the strength-of-preference results and the description of their personality type. The results can also help students discover careers and occupations most suitable for their personality type along with examples of educational institutions where they can get a relevant degree or training.

Kiersey Temperament Sorter

The Kiersey Temperament Sorter, made available online by David Keirsey, is a short personality test similar to an MBTI exam. After answering all the questions, students get a 4-letter personality indicator as the result along with a short explanatory document. Students may also learn more about how they react and interact with others. There is a fee for an optional,10-page personal analysis.

The Five Factor Personality Test

3 Smart Cubes offers this test which provides a scientific way for students to find out who they are, what their strengths and weaknesses are,and what motivates them.

123test Personality Test

The 123test Personality Test is free and helps students find out more about their strengths and who they are. The test evaluates personalities based on the Big Five personality traits which have been widely examined through research over the last several decades.

College Forward Personality Type Guided Activity

This guided activity uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to give you a four letter personality type. After taking the test, download and follow the activity. This will include having others take the test as they perceive you, which will highlight parts of your personality that you may not be aware of.