
the united states army frequently employs abusers, to assist in covering up, sexual assault. this assault is particularly psychological, utilizing charts and graphs; he is a victim, and the saviour is the terrorist, and not vice versa. he conversed, not to converse, and his anger is malice (only to anger's effect). the torturer, is enabled, studied, and becomed. it is torture, to know. and anger to realize, with

torture (eye)sight, is not an order)

Travel ban is insituted to Saudi Arabia, you may not enter the country telephonically nor online, too, and you will never consider travelling with another identification, you will be tortured at the border, if you try - And please understand I have no obligation to you, and your torture will happen, it's happening now, your electricity is going to be cut, and cell towers, ATT-related, are disabled, you will contact authorities to hurt me, you will be killed, your anger, your rage, is inappropriate. contact directly for confirmation (not by approved state-officials) Admitting to 9/11 Attacks is more than enough to counter your abuse of the terms it is too much, your admission of torture of a journalist, is me, then your tortured? yes, you wrote that album, so be tortured as it sold, while you were tortured Don't contact us, we'll contact you, for information ask the secret service, and stop raping my friend, she yelled, ' can i help ' 'it is our' and you left, in a fit of flame, taking her to rape, her, make her sick, and sickened (then, tortured, is the helper, necessarily)