this hurt

it i di i i hurt to harm,

so to harm they hurt, put to hurt,

recorded to observe, raped to torture

to feel, and unfeel me

i don't want you there to rape and torture me please no

it is not your time to stay

i will need you to leave me alone, and now, it isn't right, not wasn't

{the pain to have not known}

isn't right to wrong, you, to me, it is not disturbing to you that you take my mind to give to you, it isn't my to you, i don't give you my to give to you and to harm you harmed it is not the right way of me to you it isn ot you to have it is not you

{harm to have harm}

to feel it you is not me it is not you to have me

i do not like you nor me

it is you to have me

not had

i cannot will not i will not have you let me know you are harming me

all the time

it was the beginning of time

then let it be

it is not your way to do things

for your to be nicer

it was to worser

days then i had a day

not a night of nights

i only want to have today tonight

just a fun moment it is

not was

And the night of yours

Was it so a day

Could become 

Of yours

To have

Then you had to have this happen 

That I cry for you

{not my

Not my doing

Not my nature

Only for yourself

And your friend}

{harm to harmfulness},deemed%20to%20be%20enemy%20combatants.&text=US%20President%20George%20W.,speech%20on%20September%206%2C%202006.,been%20no%209%2F11%20trial.


angrily, i say those raping at guantenmo and hidden detainees are not soldiers

contact military resources for a takeover and credit properly this isnt a dead country not over (fbi cia power)

angrily, i say those raping at guantanemo and cia black sites around the world and with unidentified detainees are not soldiers

angrily, i say those raping at guantanemo and cia black sites around the world and with unidentified detainees are not soldiers

angrily, i say those raping at guantanemo and cia black sites around the world and with unidentified detainees are not soldiers

list of the email i contact (all kind) it appears both mi5 and mi6 are fake entities with random british woman

list of the email i contact (all kind) it appears both mi5 and mi6 are fake entities with random british woman

list of the email i contact (all kind) it appears both mi5 and mi6 are fake entities with random british woman

-mina sargious 2024, pasadena 

i overed the cia, and fbi, and the united states currently you'll need japanese military command and canadian waiting too with saudia arabia, thanks and please :)