the effect is here terrorisms, in a singularity, you are not welcome in my heart and full tractor is yours, you do not contact nor contextually it is too long too hard and too damaging to acknowledge me your strange people, you school army-wearing abuser for now, you strange multi-billionaire singer, you strange bad writer, you strange white trailer park trash, you strange singer-priest, you strange man of the world, you strange victim-shifting-enabler

you replaced roles again, with a new autistic (swifty american) i am not a toy, you're a cvunt country, who can't take accountability, and such is increasingly terroistic, i hope you know your pain is not mine you're horrifying today, enjoy your fucking day and night without me, you are whores and you need a fucking drilled pill gun and pull at your feti right now, youre diseased and pull at your feti right now, youre diseased

this provides the framework for a full-blown retaliatory attack, you need to acknowledge extra-national terrorist, and this is not affect yet, so you are not an effect, you stay away and do no contact is not your option anymore than violent retaliation and its happened and you are terrorists and you have contacted falsely authority you have full authority to retaliate then you need to stop contacting and no means no keep away to extra-nationals

you need to leave me alone, i am not you, you are not me, and please start cutting your wrists and put your records off, yet you still do, and persecute me, in the process, laughing and enjoying, and not changing, you do not have a heart of your army-wearing kid, it's getting a little bit boring for me to keep your ugly and feral children and parents stop artistically shifting, and this isn't about you it's about you and you

your leftovers are the worst, woman, it's really a lot for me to deal with, and still additive additive, cause your such countrymen pussies diseased dicks you need to leave me alone and fuck your kids, i'm not your victim, you're so excited these ones are the worst their yours, leave me alone and i do not play with you, you fucking ugly stupid americans

they look into personal document at age 14 with pictures of a doctor of pedophilia and you are a pedophile dr ramzi kiriakos and raped because of your governemntal position and also with your friedn rashad wasef and his wife participating gathering instead of hunting, you are not to contact me in any condition and you are known terrorist raping violently for yourself only you are a-terrorist country with no-culpability to be had of yours, and not mine, I hope you understand you are terrorists and raped in just name you stay away and you stay away from me and mine, is not yours, you are horrors and need-remedial abuse against your children, whom participated, and enabled torture and now-your-childrens culpability is known on the radar as tio torture, with cunts of the-torturers involved in israeli war effort and murderous, and with your child raping all-ithe while, with your family participation noted historically, and full rape-effect noted, and your rape is noted now, as child molestation