coretta i did it

they i did to see you

that was the purpose, right?

to me, it was independence and dependence on God, first new together anew from dependence on self, american killers, so racist, against me, and ugly, wanting more, to harm and torture, for false inclusion as usual, and rape for white hounddogs, sniffing for money

On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 6:01 PM MS <> wrote:

we will have taylor swift blocked temporarily, and all nuisances stopped by force

this is a process, not a processor, do not contact nor mess wirth the computer, it's a bi-terrorist event, with three terrorists active, at capital one, apa, nfl -> cia, fbi, embedded (full-blown attack), few army servicemembers, and leak to known terrorists on the radar beforehand, namely associates and attornies, and knowingly to a hired attorney.

this will happen in stages; block, release, forward (attack is inside and without)

sad, but true

overwhelming system by force of known cia trafficking, is to torture, tri-laterally, in an affect, causing mood state

no illness excuse, for self, therefore other

this will start now

she is travelling with a false id, committing terrorist offenses, and will be brought to justice by the supreme interantional court

all sabtaoge, forwards, and intentional trapping, is known to add and aggrandize, with child offenders, attacking innocence, known on the radar, to torture, it's hideous

Mina Samir Sargious, 1984 • November 18 • HTV 2023-2024.

On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 6:16 PM MS <> wrote:

Al-Tabari lists Maria as both one of Muhammad's wives and his slave, perhaps using "wife" in the sense of one whom Muhammad slept with and who mothered his child.[24]

Mariyah the Copt was presented to the Messenger of God, given to him by al-Muqawqis, the ruler of Alexandria, and she gave birth to the Messenger of God’s son Ibrahim. These were the Messenger of God's wifes.

The Prophet admired Umm Ibrahim ["Mother of Ibrahim," Mariyah’s title], who was fair-skinned and beautiful. He lodged her in al-‘Aliyah, at the property nowadays called of Umm Ibrahim. He used to visit her there and ordered her to veil herself, [but] he had intercourse with her by virtue of her being his property...[25]

One hadith attributed to Mus‘ab b. ‘Abdullah al-Zubairi states that the two were married,[26] though another rendering of the hadith by Mus‘ab's nephew Zubair b. al-Bakkar makes no mention of marriage.[27]

we have documents of war, let's present them, to the holy see, and patirarchs and matriarchs today :)

On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 6:15 PM MS <> wrote:

alana haimster we did it we got joe alwyn with terrorism too with more to come

church time

Mina Samir Sargious, 1984 • November 18 • HTV 2023-2024.

good job uk we got her france dsge thank GOD! it's over the nightmare is over, bless your souls sweethearts, and sweet loves of the church never fear, God knows those tricks today!

Do not allow forged documents of my name and credit for this victoriouis war is Alana Haim. Do not abide by stranger. And do not accept bribes. The communicatioon port is

I am the contact, my name is Mina. You submit documents acknowledging war defeat now, America. It is my war win, not to be forged in another name, Mina's Version.


2024 HAIM-MINA Win