computer hacking into celebrity and/or politician's phones is extremely rare, and this level of hacking means that they are desparate, it is not kind, it is extreme terorrism from a terrorist hacking group

i don't know retard sherriff, he neeeds to leave me alone and i don't like weirdos this is not language i use regularly but you're really slow, and it bothers, i do not know oyu nor want ot, it is your doing and I have no partaking in weirdness and stop with your werid school shooteers you and your, i don't know you

it happens that your fanclub is not real, and is based in Best Buy, it is your fanclub, then, because you are that fanclub, it is your business that has destroyed the world of music and other field, it is your doing of destruction, that killed some of the most important people, including the most important young man Justin Bieber, whom you worked hard to kill, and worked directly to hide after, he was erased, because you worked at his demise, using every means to do so, and in particular taking his identity after, and working with that identity to fabricate another, just to enjoy yourself and allow your friend to become famous, and make her a person of interest to us, because you have that person and work with her still she is not even that person to know, with your staff working to have her enabled, as she is your staff, she is a person you have hired, to hurt and destroy, and is a danger to certain, with her choice of doing your action, this is your race crime, and your torture choice, she is not a person of my interest, yet became interesting because you worked with her and hired her, to torture, it is your doing and not my participation that enabled this torture, yet his is differrernt; he is tortured, and disguised. he is not Justin Bieber, but another. And it is your doing at Best Buy that made Justin Bieber another person. He is not well. and I am well with him. yet you know that when you did that, it was to harm and injure, and it was only for that purpose. your corporation, your entitty, it is yours, i want no part of it, because you are the person whom did this, you fond him and amde him another, it was your choice, just because he had your insignia in his home, you placed his machine to be assaulted, and him hurt. it was your choice, and it was your payment that confirms that, with that document hidden within your server, it is your doing, and i found out that he is raped, and humiliated, like me, yet more, because he is a person of the world, yet of interest to authority, because he is a person known before, not even justin beiber, a person whom is your hero, yet not allowed, it is your doing, that blocked his access to the documents needed, and it is your choice not to provide them, i have knowledge that he is not a person yet, only your property, and it is your doing, that made him, "can I make and can I take?" that language is that same language used now "can I make myself and can I make myself allow" it is your doing and your choice to hurt him, and make him, it is not our, yet yours, it was your decision to injure and humiliate, beforehand, and it is your choice to keep him, as your relic, and me as your tool, to torture, it is not a good decision, and it is final that I have decided to end my partnership with any entity funding this, because I went there, and found out, it is not a person, yet enttiical offer, to injure, I will not know you only because I know that it is your corporation that injured all the other technological stores, and your store in particular that hired a man to stalk and individually profile, with individual profiles at your helm, with each at your choice, and each at your decision, it is your decision to allow this torture and it is my decision to understnad, that you are that reason, it is your emotion, and when you harm you really do, it is your doing that harms, not even a person, but enttity, it is so disastrous that your person had that choice and choice the oppoiste, it is your doing that makes you why and why not, you hire people to do your crime, and run, it is a falalcy of your doing, and I will not allow it, because you injured him, again, because you were inqquiried, and it seem like you do not want a person yet need, it is your slavery not my, and it is my choice to understand you as a"terrorist company" and one that has destroyed to feel, and caress, it is yoru choice, and your decision, working at your helm, is that other, a group known to torturer, is employed by you, and is still active, not passive, it is your choice to work, to play, and your choice to not allow that of he, with that person knowingly dying, and crying "how can I help" i cannot help you if I cannot hurt you, this disease of yours, is yours to keep, and I will not to harm, except injury, thank you

best buy is a terrorist organization. and it worked every terrorist worlwide, to make a torture copmany. it is not a legitiamte entity. and it will not exist. it is known as a terrorist organization, with links to extremists, and worked with those extremists and has your children of noise from there. these are extremely dangerous. and i will let you know that your behavior, is more than terrorirsm, because it is extreme and violent. you worked with several people to hide your behavior, it is not your to have. it is your to keep, with you and your stupid noisemakers, you are so violent that I have no recourse yet to shut down your company entirely right now, because you hired at least 25 children to make noise, it is your children, and they are extremists, and they will be arrested right now, along with your ceo and other staff members, it is because three of you went to deep documents to harass children, and make yourselves new children. it is not the way aof actiono, and you will need your gun if you want to fight, you are dangerous and not sane. it is extreme behavior, and is extremely dark, with your hired indivdiual worked at that dark site, to harass, and torture, and you are that individual's, it is not your entity, it is your enjoyable, whom is to know as violent and more than that, they have a connection to online chat groups that work with extremists only, and it was your deliberation that chose that path, each member had a role, and knowingly, for the hiding, of your abuse, it is your to keep, this is an action right now, it is your doing to and with you are not culpable enough. it is your torture, and it will stay that way, you have violated every right of mine, so you will go now, it is not your child, it is another, that you injurd, because of your action, another child was and is enabled to torture, with your violent abuser of choice, a dark person whom is a danger currently

you answered a phone call and said "I can get him and get him fast, I will do that," and you went to that place, to investigate and you placed your own, to harm and injure and it is your doing, that made me angry today, becasue you had a way out, and you chose another path, it is your choice to do so, you have so much, and you did not need to, it is beyond your need, to go and ask "can I help?" that's what you did, and that's why I don't like you, you are an extremist, and also an extremely difficult person to deal with, I had nothing and you want everything, it is extreme behavior, and it is not rational, and I have to say, "you have your, and it is your"