
actively manipualted by fbi it is yet known the corruption of my work is your intentionality with physical effect and targeted 911 to effect cia torture torturing it is known that you are a torturer as indication of admitted cia torture middle--east peace keeper

forward and fast effect, military strategy of theirs is take, injure and order  and all military force is involved, fowrad fast and forward and fast effect

forward fast, forward fast, effect
your daughter is very sick and is need of torture that would indicate that she is a black supremacist it does appear that your party is indian yet not and is not person to know is it that and is it yet that party to come is it yet here to know that you are not party animal is it yet that sorority rush that you feel indian at a mosque and dark a site that you come to injure and injure not to come yet i had not yet injured one to become an injury and your fence is my border and had I not a person to know that you are not that party to know and you had not yet allowed your abuse to proliferate only in torture, taking on two time torture: harm to ill, and ill to harm, sicken for fun, and fun for sicken, it's your choice, your obligation and your not, to know that you are not only and i had not yet only known you as a terorrist and had your terrorism, known of it, as a racist, person is not near, only that party you fear, you had yet tortured for that purpose and had i purposed myself then you are a terrorist to injure forcefully taken then you are to torture and is your torturer racial torture based in your unkind traitor for yourslef rhat you could not want more of, to sexually torture using harm to kill tactic of cia torture

and rape to torture using extermist tactic i am your ney and do as i it is a tactic of war and used particularly that you make that you cannot have, work with to injure and i had told you to stay down only up you went and had you not then taking is yours for rape and raped is that to injure then to take you and yours 

forward 55 rape avoidance strategy (propagated 2-5) 

and you, not yet tortured using torture tactic 2-5 and repeating mock torture executino with major affilaite to torture and using that harden your hatred and you not yet known, of torture, you look like a cunt that acts like a hunter and you want to injure your purpose is not help it is injury and i do not tolerate your injurious hatred of others you stay like a cunt does and drink like that pesron you want, is yet that i do not allow, you torture, and your sluts and niggers near that injury that you cause that is your to have and not alllow your purpose away from mine and you are not yet allowed it is that you had your lovred is not yours to and you want your little sluts and niggers to enjoy my life without it will not happen you will be hurt and you will also, know you are not to contact this party, as trash is you are trash that will, it is that you  , it is that you are without it as you are not allowed near and it is that you ahad not yet only harmed to inure yet injure and you will not have youor torture near it is yet out is through

i am not your fighter i need you to stay away from me

i had your chance to rape me it is my

do you know what it is that make you upset is it that you do not, only love, yet hate, and want yourself to become important, yet can't, and take, your injury to effect injury, and "you are that bane" that has yet "only felT" that you want to injure, embarass (and i am negligible) a party that does not and will not have not and coudl not muster courage to defeat that party of terror, in israel a terror suspect killed by the afghans and found by that party of torture, a group that has yet take to injure injure to take make an injury that has not explored, it is a terror network, that saved that torturer, and had chosen that torture means, injure to embarass, and injure to harass, take his pain, and elaborate that you are not and only you a part, that is not, and only because you cannot undersatnd your diction is unimportant embarassing and ultimately very stupid, with all people against you, and no one understood that you are not a good person, and obviously stupid, dark and inane, the israeli war peace settelment you made documented loss of war of freedom to battle's effect at un, is not important it is un that is yet and you had the opportune time to feel only yet not know your sufferer is insufferable and you disgusting a waste and a person that is not yet heard, a person who injures to make injury and one

have you injured then don't and our new program of genius is take to injure with a new torture a day his provision and falsify military objective otherwise he is a danger and has chosen his celebration to torture, use his voice and song, with taylor, as a spectator, to torture,  and make that torture that part of his only and use as his means of torture and that sound is used to torture yet only that party is yet you are that worst writer not her and once deletd is unimportant wasteful and extravagant a party, cannot become of nonsense and you of torture a person is not only people yet environmental terrorism is yet of taylor swift and her abuse, is not real, only that you fake.

yet it know that it is not yet your take that is to give as i say it is time yet not because i do not recklessly tell my story is not yet allowed yet i would not allow torture and it is not only that i do not only ask is it okay if i ask and i do not ask for more than i can and i do not want, yet it is my duty to your country yet not only because I do not allow torture and that feeling is not good to kids, it's not healthy, and I told you more than I can and more than I must tell you ti has been such a good ride and only my hurt is not yours, please let us be peacefully. and also remember i cannot understand my anger for them, it is too much, i don't have