i don't think you are animal owner it is not right to take it is not yours to take you give back dead talkative it is not your i want purchase of yours to purchase ours i want mine to rape yours and yours to rape mine you raped me and i need to rape yours and its not right to euthanize me to ralize you and realize me and i need you to puppify you, to cancel me, i need my puppy back,t o death, is life

i miss my is your is my is your is my israeli puppy, free on the street, not here,

trapped, i miss my puppies, and need them to die, not lie you live for

myine is yorus

give me mine, now

you are euthanized now, and killed no one, as i am alive, treated as aannimal, you euthanize

at race track, and not me, i need you to die, for life, to know



is me


not know

you are raped

not me,

give //aanimal back\\

rape torture, is you, not me, to torture yours, you scarie is not scaring me

i am not scared of dogs at detention sites, not kennels, of yours, is mime, to torture, not imen t ohave

you are raped and tortured

not me,you fake is not me

and you and raped, is not we



{{{torture me}}}

{{{{torture me}}}}

{i need torture}

{{i need tortured}}

{{{i need troured animals free}}}

{{{{i need life of rtoured animals fe}}}}

to build a new torture site, your kennel, is not my home, is my house, your rapist, is your rapists house

where i live for living, and with for dying

i told you

it was not i

it was you

and i,

and you, for i and you, and you are not i nor me.

time to go, let's go israel

get's extremely aggressive around the man

e-manuals not so much


the emmanuels love me and you so much more to know you are not to near me, yet you are still killed, it's over, so you resurrect, it does not work-forgive it is not like that

project database: 2001-2024 with archive.org

sothebys, virginia woolf letters are shredded! it's not purposeful, it's there, and your shredding your damaging van gogh was a pretext, that's how you did this for taylor swift, so disgustingly mocking the norton simon the while, with the huntington's collections shifting to the right people