📜 Mission 🩷

"Fundamental Chromatic 

💕 empowers and is a companion for all individuals whether facing homelessness, isolation, and/or life's most challenging circumstances by providing comprehensive-interpersonal support, fostering-nourishing hope, and creating-beautiful pathways to a lifetime of stability, happiness, and independence. We do this through Loving and Caring Supports"

Your Friend ,

💡 - Fundamental Chromatic. 🫖 


 Fundamental Chromatic NonProfit Organization Inc shares with all who are reading...  Our mission is to provide essential resources, housing support, and pathways to self-sufficiency and betterment for the people of our community who are struggling, alone, and need helpful guidance and support.

No one has to be alone. 

We are creative when we are alone, yes. But we are also creative around others. Many need quiet space to get work done, finish goals, and even start goals. I know I work well in a quiet space, especially when writing. This is not just because of my disabilities either. Although there are many times where I just wish I had someone to tell me everything is going to be okay, not to give up, not to let my worries get the best of me, and that my friend(s) are here for me. Kindness is most beautiful when genuine. When nothing is expected in return. This doesn't mean kindness should not be rewarded, because it should be in someway or another. But to know that the person is being kind to me because they do care about whether I dream, and achieve my goals. Whether I do well in my courses in pursuing my educational goals, and whether I ever will own a home that my children can come and visit me that is a stable environment for them to be in with their Mom. Life is very, very, difficult. It is. It's not so difficult when you have someone that will listen to your fears, and even more so what you enjoy in life. What you want to accomplish to make a lasting impact on the people around you; your community... our community. The positive aspects that will bring someone who is feeling down way up. I believe this is all spoken silently in the photo I created with AI below. Each music note that floats towards the heavens is another goal I've accomplished. I do get overwhelmed. But, I know that the best next thing that I can do... is to be there for the people of our community who need someone to say "everything could get better" and directly connect our Clients to the resources that are here for us. So they can have a chance at achieving a better life experience for years to come, lifetimes. 

No One Has To Be Alone


We provide compassionate care, and resource connections. We lead with courage, and inspire goal setting. Helping Clients realize each of our own potential is just one of our priorities. Collaborating through diverse measures to create a better, more resilient, and determined lifetime. We do all this for you; for everyone.  


Caring about the wellbeing of all others means sharing what we have in order to help them live better life experiences

We are dedicated to connecting the residents of Weld County and Greeley, Colorado, with essential resources to support their needs. As we work towards our goal of becoming a provider that accepts Colorado Health First Medicaid, we are focused on building a strong foundation for our outreach initiatives.

Our current and approved 501(c)(3) status will enable us to secure vital funding through grants from organizations, businesses, foundations, and government sources. These resources are crucial for advancing our mission and ensuring we can effectively serve our community. Additionally, gaining this Status allows our much appreciated and needed Donors' contributions to be Tax Favored at the end of each year and beginning of the next. 

With your support, we actively engage with those who need us most, facilitating outreach initiatives to raise awareness of our services and to serve every person who's facing challenges, feeling lonely and lost, needs guidance and encouragement, connections to resources, and inspiration to set strategic goals in order to have a chance at a better life. 

Together, we can inform the community about available resources, help navigate these resources, and help encourage all people to incorporate better health in our lives mentally and physically so we can be our best selves, acquire and earn all that we need to survive. 

We always encourage inquiries from individuals seeking assistance. We are here to serve you, day and night; Please reach us anytime, for any reason, at 719-371-4325 and FundamentalChromatic@gmail.com or CCramer@aims.edu

Thank you for being an integral part of this mission! 

  On Going Efforts 



We approach our work with empathy and understanding, recognizing the unique challenges faced by those we serve.


We believe in equipping individuals with the tools, knowledge, and confidence they need to overcome obstacles, and to aspire for and achieve their goals.


We recognize that our impact is amplified when we work together. We actively seek partnerships within our community and encourage teamwork among our staff, volunteers, and those we serve to create innovative solutions and achieve shared objectives.


We embrace diversity in all its forms and are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued.


We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our actions and decisions. We are transparent, accountable, and committed to doing what is right, even when it's challenging and even when we think no one is watching.


We continuously seek new and improved ways to serve our community. We embrace creativity, adaptability, and forward-thinking approaches to address evolving needs and maximize our impact.









Our Community's attitudes, words, and actions do matter. Let our actions, words, and attitudes take someone to a place of beauty and blessing; where change is inevitable because all of our ways of thinking have been nourished and therefore developed; grown. This is Leadership. Spark imagination, innovative thinking, and highlight the joys of the ones across from you; because that is when real change occurs. 

What is meaningful to someone? Then try and connect the change desired and needed to the desires they share through actions - their personality. Because we cannot change someone; someone's must want to change in order to achieve their goals. Foundation sprouts herbs that are named aspiration. Let us plant these seeds in minds so they will hope and dream. Want. We all have wants. What do you want? What is it they need? 

I hope everyone is aware that what we want and need does matter. And, we are all capable of achieving better life experiences; filled with everything we need, we want, and what we can give away. 

We give so another can have joy, benefit from, and become better because of. 

Give freely - without expecting anything in return. Then, you will have what you need. 

We are a loving and caring presence for our clients and communities, offering case and care management, peer support, advocacy, and public health navigation services. By connecting people to essential resources, we enable them to access the benefits, support, and opportunities they deserve. Our mission is to inspire, encourage, and empower individuals to set SMART goals, secure housing and livable income, achieve biopsychosocial wellness, and build healthier relationships. We help individuals realize their potential, develop their skills, and make informed, responsible decisions to improve their lives for the long term.

At Fundamental Chromatic, we believe that every person is capable of resilience and transformation. We provide tools, resources, and guidance to uplift our clients, helping them discover their inherent strengths and abilities. Through a collaborative approach rooted in trust and compassion, we equip individuals to overcome barriers, achieve their goals, and contribute positively to their communities. Our vision extends beyond immediate support; we aim to build a society where no one is left behind, and everyone has access to the care, resources, and opportunities they need to thrive. Together, we can shine light into the darkest corners and spark creativity, growth, and hope for a brighter future.

We must encourage growth, inspire positive difference, aspire for the best circumstances, incorporate honesty, good intentions, and profound worth; captivate the aspects of change that are needed in our communities and strive for excellence, and share our knowledge through our kindness and actions with the world. Never forgetting that there are so many people that need support in order to survive, to have a chance at better health, wellness, and all life has to offer; every one of us need support, and that we need every one of us to contribute to the goals of our Organization to create the lasting change we hope and strive; work hard to develop. 

No matter how difficult - we will never give up. We know anyone has the chance of a better life, so as long as we can be there to encourage it, teach necessary skills and habits, devise and develop plans and goals - routines, and to emotionally support no matter the challenges we face. We need to be equipped to take on any challenges and struggles - to come out the other end in a new perspective and light. Without having to lose another person to any pandemic, epidemic, disease, discouragement, poor influence, lack of adequate shelter, or doubt that is in this World. 

We must place our positive shoulder forward and lead the change we hope to find tomorrow, the next day, and years to come. If we want to see change, we must be the change. Otherwise what are we hoping for without real action from the person most prevalent in our own lives? (Ourselves). We must act now, not wait until another life is gone, lost, or discounted as un-worthy of support.