Marcela Ovando-Tellez

I am a speech therapist graduated from the University of Valparaiso, in Chile. Motivated by my interest in cognitive rehabilitation, I did a master's degree in Neuroscience at the same university. During my master's studies, I started to understand cognitive disorders from a scientific perspective.

After discovering the work in the FrontLab at the Paris Brain institute (ICM), I moved to Paris to work directly on human cognition research. I participated in an EEG project co-supervised by Dr. Emmanuelle Volle and Dr. Beatrice Garcin. Due to my increased interest in Cognitive Neuroscience, I did my PhD in the fascinating world of Neuroscience of Creativity, under the supervision of Dr. Emmanuelle Volle. During my PhD, I aimed to better understand the relationships between semantic memory and creativity, and the underlying brain correlates.

During my research as a post-doc, I aim to understand better the mechanisms of creative abilities, the role of structural and functional properties of semantic memory on it, and how functional connectivity support them.