Xavier Corominas


Xavier is a Ph.D. student at the Paris Brain Institute (ICM) and at the University Rovira I Virgili (Spain). After receiving his diploma in Physiotherapy at the University of Lleida and his M.Sc. at the Guttman Institute (Barcelona), he started his Ph.D. in 2021 under a co-direction regime.

Xavier’s research interests lie in the development of personalized circuit-based brain stimulation solutions for stroke recovery, inquiring on the neural phenomenological mechanisms and casual brain-behavioral implications of weak electric/magnetic fields in the healthy human brain as well as implementing non-invasive brain stimulation strategies to the clinical arena.

At the ICM, he combines neuro-navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electroencephalography (EEG) and biophysical/computational modelling to study the mechanistic effects of magnetic stimulation. Moreover, he participates in clinical and pre-clinical trials at the Hôpitaux Universitaire Pitié Salpêtrière exploring the transcranial electrical stimulation potential (tACS and tDCS) in fronto-temporal dementia and stroke hemianopsia recovery.

Through his actual projects, his research could pave the way for a large variety of new therapeutic TMS modalities as well as new industrial opportunities for stimulation devices.