Hi! I am a PhD student under the co-supervision of Dr. Emmanuelle Volle and Dr. Alizée Lopez-Persem

I have a background in biology, an engineering degree from AgrosparisTech and a masters degree in cognitive neuroscience from the ENS. I joined the Frontlab in 2020 and started my PhD in November 2021.

My project focuses on decision-making applied to creativity. Using creativity tasks, fMRI and computational modeling, I aim at clarifying the process of creative thinking and creative decision-making by answering the following questions: How do we select our own ideas? How much do our personal preferences drive our choices?Check out my newest preprint:

Apart from my PhD project, I am also very interested in teaching (I'm currently a tutor for Université Paris Cité) and science popularization (see here a short podcast recorded for La Semaine du Cerveau). Don't hesitate to contact me if you want to offer me something in these areas!

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Check out my complete CV:

Related pages

Emmanuelle Volle

Alizée Lopez-Persem


Behavioral tasks

Computational modeling
