Training Courses

Our team takes great pride in documenting our season. Please feel free to look through all of our documents and reach out to us if you would like more information or our templates.

Each department leader created a basics course for their area. Please feel free to utilize our classes for your own team!

A handful of the courses are accompanied by a short review/quiz, the link to this is on the last slide of the course.

Training Courses

All Training Courses 2022

All Training Courses 2021

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Our team wants to make sure all individuals feel welcomed and a part of this is understanding our differences.

FIRST HQ has a number of helpful ED&I resources available for students and coaches to take. We recommend you look into them!

CAD Video Series

In addition to the basic overview of what CAD is and how it works, our team has made some in depth videos that can be found at our YouTube channel to the left!

Coding Video Series

In addition to the basic overview of what Java programming is and how it works, our team has made some in-depth videos that can be found at our YouTube channel to the left!